The E.ON Saving Energy Toolkit helps E.ON customers to find out more about the energy they use, and how they use it. The Toolkit helps customers to understand more about their relationship with their energy, with the end goal of giving customers more control.
E.ON’s Saving Energy Toolkit also offers the following benefits:
1. It lets you see how much energy you are consuming compared to other E.ON customers in your area. So, for example, if you live in London you can see how much energy other E.ON customers in London are using compared to yourself.
2. It lets you see how much energy you use across the year with a clear breakdown of how much energy you use on a month-by-month basis.
3. It gives you a clear monthly breakdown of your energy costs.
E.ON launched the Saving Energy Toolkit to help customers become better informed about the energy they use. The primary goal of the Toolkit is to give customers more control, with a secondary goal of reducing the amount of energy customers use.
How do I access the Saving Energy Toolkit?
If you are an E.ON domestic customer, you can access the Saving Energy Toolkit by logging into your online account. The Toolkit is an online-based tool. Alternatively, you can call E.ON on the phone and discuss your account with an E.ON advisor. The advisor will talk you through the Toolkit, and provide the data from the Toolkit to you over the phone.
What are the best features of the Saving Energy Toolkit?
Our favourite feature of the Toolkit is the ‘What Uses Most’ pie chart, which gives you a visual indication how how much energy you use split into groups of heating, lighting, hot water and appliances. This pie chart updates itself automatically so it is always current. One of the more interesting features of the Toolkit is the ‘Goals’ feature, which lets you set a goal to reduce your energy consumption, if you have lived at your property for more than 12 months.
How accurate is the Saving Energy Toolkit?
The data provided to you by the Saving Energy Toolkit is estimated, which means it won’t be 100 per cent accurate. Because of this, you should not use the Toolkit as a means of calculating how much money you might owe E.ON. For this, you should submit a meter reading to E.ON and ask for a current bill, so that an accurate energy bill can be sent to you.
How do E.ON know so much about my property?
When you login into your online account and access the Saving Energy Toolkit for the first time, you might find that the Toolkit has guessed the number of rooms in your home, and the type of property you have, correctly all by itself. This is simply because E.ON has estimated this based on the information they have about you, and homes near to yours. So, for example, if there are mostly 4-bed properties on your street, E.ON might assume you have a 4-bed home.