OVO Energy is committed to making sure its customers are paying the right amounts for their energy. This is especially important if you’re moving home, as details such as this can easily be overlooked at such a busy and stressful time. If you’re an OVO pay as you go customer, here’s what you should do to ensure your energy charges are correct when you’re moving home.
If you’re moving out of your home
If you are an OVO PAYG customer and you are moving out of your current home, you will need to notify OVO by telephone on 0800 358 3523.
You will be asked to provide them with a number of details including:
- The date you are moving out of your home, or the date you moved if you have already left.
- The address of your new home, or a forwarding address where you can be contacted.
- The phone number of your new property.
In addition, OVO are also likely to ask you for the names and contact details of the people who are moving into your old home, and the landlord if you are not the owner of the property.
If you’re moving into a new home
When you move into a new property, it’s essential to know who your energy suppliers are. This is particularly important if you are a PAYG customer, as you are likely to need to purchase credit straight away.
To notify OVO Energy about moving call, call the OVO contact number 0800 358 3523.
If OVO is your new supplier, the first thing you should do is call them on 0800 358 3523 to access a payment code which will enable you to top up your credit while you are waiting for your new card and key to arrive. These will be sent out to you as soon as you have notified OVO that you are the new inhabitant of the property.
If the previous occupant has left their card or key behind, it is not advisable to use this, as you may end up having to pay energy charges you do not owe.
If you don’t know who your new energy supplier is
Your meter – or a key or card, if any have been left behind – will often contain the brand name of your supplier. However, if this isn’t the case, you can note down the serial numbers on your meter and provide them to the Meter Point Administration Service (MPAS), who can be contacted on 0870 608 1524.
Switching to or from OVO
If your new supplier is not OVO but you would like to switch to them, this can be done quickly and easily on OVO’s website. If your new supplier is OVO but you would prefer a different supplier, you will need to contact the company you would like to switch to. Switching to a new supplier generally takes at least 21 days, so it’s important that you remember to keep your meters topped up with OVO during this time.
Other OVO related pieces on this website include – add credit manually, refer a friend, OVO foundation, OVO energy growth and the latest OVO news
For further information visit ovoenergy.com or call 0800 358 3523.
Image credit: OVO Energy (smart meter blog post)