Prepayment, pay as you go and top up energy tariffs are more popular than ever before, because they gift the consumer with more control over their energy. They are also now available as gas or electricity only or as dual fuel from some suppliers, and they can be topped up at any PayPoint, Payzone outlet or Post Office.
If you are considering moving to a prepayment, pay as you go or top up account, then chances are you are shopping around for the best suppliers who offer these tariffs. If so, you will find the information we have provided below invaluable because not only have we listed the energy suppliers who offer prepayment, pay as you go and top up energy, but we have provided pricing information and helpful advice where possible too.
Before we get started, please remember that all the information we provide below is subject to change, but it was accurate at the time of publication (27/10/2015). We will strive to update this guide when new information becomes available but we make no guarantee of its accuracy after publication. Please contact the relevant energy suppliers below for up to date information about prepayment, pay as you go and top up accounts. Please also note that the telephone numbers listed below are not the official numbers. Our disclosure below explains this.
Energy suppliers who have prepayment, pay as you go and top up tariffs 2015/16
- British Gas;
- Ebico;
- EDF;
- First Utility;
- Ovo Energy
- Utilita;
British Gas offers 2 pay as you go tariffs: 1) Fix and Fall, and 2) Standard (Variable). The current Fix and Fall tariff is fixed until January 2017. Both tariffs have no exit fees if you switch supplier and both offer a £15 dual fuel discount. Both can be gas or electricity only.
Call British Gas on 0843 770 5045 to find out more.
Ebico do not list their pay as you go tariffs online. You have to contact them for a quote. But, Ebico are a reputable and highly regarded energy supplier. They are an independent supplier who have carved a name out for themselves over the last 2 years as an honest and affordable energy supplier.
Call Ebico on 0843 770 5020 to find out more and for a quote.
EDF’s pay as you go prepaid tariffs are among the most reputable on the market, but you’ll have to contact them for a quote because like Ebico, they do not reveal their offers online (strangely, they do for their normal tariffs though. Visit this page for a quote or call EDF with the number below.
Call EDF on 0843 770 5028 to find out more and for a quote.
First Utility offers prepayment to anyone with a prepayment meter installed and if you’re a prepayment customer and have a debt you can still switch to First Utility, as long as that debt is £500 or less. You need to contact First Utility for a pay as you go quote.
Call First Utility on 0843 770 5059 to find out more.
Ovo Energy are one of the best suppliers for pay as you go energy. There are 2 tariffs: 1) Smart PAYG, and 2) Smart PAYG+. The estimated prices for each tariff are £97 and £92 respectively, based on national average usage. For a quote, contact Ovo Energy direct.
Call Ovo Energy on 0843 770 5067 for a quote.
Utilita are the UK’s leading pay as you go energy supplier. They are our recommended prepayment energy supplier. With Utilita, you get emergency and friendly credit, no bills and a free smart meter. You will also benefit from UK-only customer service with Utilita.
Call Utilita on 0843 770 5082 to find out more and for a quote.