Last week EON launched a new cheap energy tariff for customers which made the average annual bill size per year £948.94 versus £961.79 with First Utility. E.ON’s new tariff got significant attention from news outlets, but this week it’s First Utility’s time to shine – they have now launched their own cheap energy tariff called iSave Fixed March 2016 (v37).
So does the new iSave Fixed March 2016 (v37) tariff make First Utility the cheapest energy supplier?
Not quite. First Utility’s iSave Fixed March 2016 (v37) will cost the average household £960 a year, which is only £1.79 less than their previous cheapest tariff. According to BT, the new tariff is available as dual fuel or electricity only and a termination fee of £30 per fuel is applicable if the tariff is cancelled before the end of term. Customers need to pay by Direct Debit to get the cheapest prices; paying by cash or cheque attracts an extra charge of £2 per month or £24 a year.
However, the new First Utility tariff does put the company ahead of E.ON and Ovo Energy according to UKPower figures based on usage of 3,200kWh of electric per year and 13,500kWh of gas per year – this is good news for consumers and existing First Utility customers.. According to those figures, First Utility’s tariff compares favourably coming in at £5 and £13 cheaper respectively. If you are looking for a cheaper energy deal then, it will be worth getting in touch with First Utility to find out more.
iSave Fixed March 2016 (v37) features:
- £960 annual cost (on average)
- Dual fuel or electricity only
- Termination fee of £30
Overall the iSave Fixed tariff from First Utility looks like a good deal.
Contact our First utility telephone contact number to discuss the new iSave Fixed March 2016 (v37) in more detail.