E.On have been a major player in the UK’s gas and electricity market for many years now. Formerly known as Powergen, the company was taken over by German energy supplier E.On back in 2002. However, Powergen continued to supply the UK under its own name until 2007 when the brand was changed to bring it in line with its parent company.
Today, E.On is one of the ‘Big Six’; a group of energy suppliers in the UK who, between them, own the lion’s share of customers and companies for both gas and electricity supply. E.On is also the world’s biggest investor owned gas and electricity company. The company supplies around 8 million domestic and around 13,000 industrial and commercial customers.
Pricing and tariffs
In line with OFGEM requirements for all energy suppliers to simplify the tariffs they have on offer, E.On now offers only two main tariffs to its customers.
On Energy Plan: This is a variable rate tariff which is available either as a dual fuel or single supply agreement. It can be used with paperless billing or paper billing and with prepayment meter or pay as you go payment methods. Customers can secure a lower rate of standing charge if they pay by monthly direct debit.
On Energy Fixed 1 year: Available as duel fuel of electricity only, this tariff fixes rates for 12 months. It is not available with prepayment meters, but customers can choose to pay monthly, quarterly or on receipt of bill.
The precise rate of these two tariffs will depend on where in the UK you are, so it is important to compare these prices with those on offer from other suppliers in your area to ensure you are getting a fair deal.
Customers wishing to contact EON can do so using this EON phone number.
Historical energy prices
In the past, E.On has usually kept its prices relatively similar to those of its competitors, particularly the other five of the ‘Big Six’. Here’s a timeline of price hikes and shrinks for the past few years:
2012: E.On is 4th of the ‘Big Six’ to increase its prices. Gas went up 18 per cent, and electricity 11 per cent. These price rises took effect in December 2012.
2013: In January 2013, just a month after price rises took effect from 2012, further price increases were announced. This time, both gas and electricity were going up by 8.7 per cent, effective pretty much immediately, along with the prices of all the other Big Six too. E.On was the last of the UK’s biggest suppliers to announce their price hike.
In December 2013, E.On again put its prices up, this time by 3.7 per cent. Again, they were the last of the Big Six to announce this price rise.
2014: In January 2014, the 3.7 per cent price rise, as announced the previous December, was implemented. No further changes to prices were announced during this year.
2015: In January 2015, E.On was the first of the Big Six to announce a price drop. Standard, dual fuel customers, they said, could enjoy gas and electricity from them for 3.5 per cent less. This took effect from 13th January 2015.
2016: In early 2016, E.On announced a further price cut for their standard plan customers. Their cut of 5.1 per cent was a little less than some of the other Big Six were able to offer, with Scottish Power leading the charge with a drop of 5.4 per cent.
The latest changes to E.On’s prices have seen the supplier putting a freeze on their tariffs until March 2017. This was announced in November 2016.
E.On are a popular company both in the UK and abroad, with more than 33 million customers across 30 countries currently on their books. Whilst not usually the cheapest supplier around, they have a reputation for good, honest service, and have won the uSwitch Energy Awards ‘Large Supplier of the Year’ award for two years in a row.
However, the company has also endured some hefty fines from OFGEM as a result of poor customer service. In September 2016, E.On was fined £3.1 million for missing appointments with their customers, and in February 2016 Energy Secretary Amber Rudd uncovered a discrepancy on the firms ‘Age UK’ branded tariff which meant older people were actually paying significantly more than other E.On customers on a similar tariff.